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Keyboard Warrior banner

Keyboard Warrior

A JS built typing app, contains 12 themes, each with a set of 10 randomized quotes.

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Wishlist it website screenshot

Wishlist-it: Product Tracker

Wishlist-it is a full-stack app that allows a user to create and manage a list of products.

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Movie search website screenshot

Movie Search

The idea behind the project was to provide a central location where movie/tv show information and availability could be attained by the user.

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Book search website screenshot

Book Search

This is a MERN book search application that allows users to search for books using the Google Books API.

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Text editor website screenshot

Text Editor

A SPA text editor that follows the PWA criteria.

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Note taker website screenshot

Note Taker

This is a note taking app built using express.js and deployed using Heroku. The site allows you to write, save, and delete notes. The purpose of the site is to allow the user to keep track of to-do tasks and other important information.

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JS Random Quiz website screenshot

JS Random Quiz

A JavaScript built random quiz app. .

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Work schedule website screenshot

Work Day Planner

Works Day Planner is a JavaScript-built day planner that allows a user to plan their work day by assigning tasks to time blocks throughout the day.

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Weather API website screenshot

Weather API

A weather app to check weather forecasts by searched loaction.

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